Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Literary Movements that Moved Kate

Realism, Regionalism, and Romanticism are just a few of the literary movements that Kate Chopin is associated with. The one she is most well known for is Realism. Realism is “is the attempt to depict life as it actually exists, not as the author wants it to be in the present or the future” (Werlock). Realism writers were very vivid but truthful. Realism in American literature captured the everyday life of every day Americans. Kate Chopin displayed this very well in her 2nd novel The Awakening; this is a very true life and real story. The Awakening has some events and truths from her own personal life that she uses to display the realistic life of others at that time as well. She shows the suffrage and confinement that women of this time were feeling; just not brave enough to do anything about it. Realism writers focused more on characters and their feelings rather than action and setting. It was all about capturing the now, or moment of a situation. Kate’s different works from her short stories to her novels are all stories based on real life adventures and happenings that she experienced and went through during her life. My favorite of course is The Awakening; I just love how she is a feminist of her time. Kate stands up for the suffrage of women and addresses things that actually took place in her life. This along with her way to capture the realistic life style of all the characters in the many different novels made her a great female writer of her time.

Werlock, Abby H. P. "realism." The Facts On File Companion to the American Short Story. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2000. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. May 3, 2010. Gamshrtsty0575 &SingleRecord=True.

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